A Law Firm Helping Organizations Achieve Tax-Exempt Recognition
If you are the founder of a new nonprofit or similar organization and need assistance with tax-exempt recognition, contact the Law Office of Amy S. Mello, LLC. Attorney Amy Mello has helped numerous new entities apply for and obtain tax-exempt status. A nonprofit must be formed under the state incorporation statute and must obtain the necessary federal tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in order to qualify for tax-exempt recognition.
Once the nonprofit has been designated by the IRS as exempt, the states require additional filings for the type of taxes that the organization is seeking an exemption from. Law Office of Amy S. Mello, LLC, can assist clients in obtaining tax-exempt recognition in Massachusetts and Rhode Island and can assist with the formation and organization of a nonprofit corporation in both states as well.
Learn More During an Initial Consultation
With an office in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, Law Office of Amy S. Mello, LLC, proudly serves individuals, businesses and organizations throughout the surrounding areas of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. To schedule an initial consultation about your legal needs, call the firm today at 508-276-2578 or reach out online.